Vinyl Chloride Basket Bags

Vinyl Chloride Basket Bags was launched in 2018 by Emi Endo, a designer based in Berlin and Tokyo. Since 2019, it has been managed by design studio EETY Studio.

Our backgrounds include involvement in designing and mass production at some brands. We have had some doubts about systems of production and consumption for mass products, but by taking advantage of our backgrounds, we have arrived at a method of making our products in a necessary volume at a necessary time by combining mass production technology and our handcraft work. We have started our project by putting this method into practice.

半透明のPVC(塩化ビニル)の小さなピースを自身の手で組み上げたバッグコレクション。産業資材として世に出回っている 15色ほどのPVCシートを、町工場でピース状に加工。織の考え方を応用し、ピースの重なりで文様や色彩の濃淡をつけながら、同時にバッグの形状に仕上げています。
