Remnant Leather Basket Bags

Remnant leathers produced during the development and production of mass-produced goods are stored in the manufacturer's warehouse. These leathers are then eventually discarded as they overwhelm the warehouses. We used the idea from the Vinyl Chloride Basket Bags project to buy these leathers from manufacturers, shape them into pieces, and then combine the colours to make bags with as little waste as possible.

量産品の開発・製造時に生まれる余り革=残革は、メーカーの在庫管理等の手間がかかるために廃棄されてしまいます。ピースを繋ぎ合わせることで製品を作るというVINYL CHLORIDE BASKET BAGS プロジェクトの特性を活かして、これらを安く買取りピースにし、色を組み合わせることで無駄なくバッグに仕立てました。