Emi Endo Exhibition “Des particules de couleurs qui ne se mélangent pas”

Emi Endo Exhibition “Des particules de couleurs qui ne se mélangent pas - Recherche au Mobilier National et le travail de EETY studio”

A solo exhibition was held to showcase the results of the first 'Design Award' sub-award research residency organised by the Embassy of France in Japan and Mobilier National.
The exhibition included photos and videos of the colour research of weavings conducted at Mobilier National, a national institute under the French Ministry of Culture, as well as the process of the winning project.

遠藤絵美 個展「混ざり合わない色の粒子-仏モビリエ・ナショナルでのリサーチとEETY Studioの仕事-」


協賛:東レ株式会社 Ultrasuede®、株式会社NBCメッシュテック

会場構成:美和小織 (LITTLE)
DMデザイン:阿部宏史 (print gallery tokyo)
冊子デザイン、活版印刷:ますいかおる (tsukurus)

> モビリエ・ナショナルでのリサーチレジデンス